DASS-BiH (Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina) is the national service whose role is to ensure long-term preservation and dissemination of social science research data. The purpose of the data archive is to provide a vital research data resource for researchers, teachers, students, and all other interested users.
Data that are collected are those from social science research in following disciplines: economy, education, employment and labour, political science, psychology, sociology, society and culture, social welfare policy and systems.
DASS-BiH is entitled to provide following services for its depositors and users: collection, validation, data conversion, distribution of data collections; administration of network/system specialized in collecting, storing, and distributing data; assuring quality and safety of data collections within data management activities; permanent monitoring of international standards in data management systems and improving infrastructure when needed; mediation between the demand of data users and supply of data providers (contracts for deposit and distribution of data, admission requirements, testing, etc.); customer support; activities related to web portal development and maintenance; providing of services to third parties and user trainings.