Zapadni Balkan i Berlinski proces

Direktor CREDI centra, Nermin Oruč, učestvovao je na radionici o “Zapadnom Balkanu i Berlinskom procesu“, održanoj 13. juna 2018. na St Antony's College Univerziteta u Oxfordu, Velika Britanija. Radionicu je organizovao SEESOX u saradnji s Centralnom bankom Albanije. Berlinski proces je diplomatska inicijativa povezana s budućim proširenjem Europske Unije. Sudionici u ovoj radionici su akademski…

Position paper as output of initiative “Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans”

A group of Western Balkan think-tank organisations and researchers working on the welfare state issues, including experts from CDESS, have initiated development of a Regional platform with the aim to engage the foremost researchers, political, business and other leaders of society to shape a regional social welfare state agenda, thus contributing to improving the social…

New research article by our researcher published in Sudosteuropa

A new article authored by our researchers Nermin Oruc and Amina Tabakovic was published in Sudosteuropa. This paper aims to analyse whether and how this decrease is related to a change in motives for sending remittances. The change in motives will be analysed by exploring the interaction between social transfers and remittances using two household datasets, from 2007 (before…