CREDI led a consortium for data collection supporting UNICEF’s country programme evaluations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia

CREDI is happy to report successful completion of another project, titled “Data Collection for UNICEF’s Strategic Positioning for Country Programme Evaluations”. As a lead partner, CREDI supported UNICEF’s evaluations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia. This initiative, conducted in partnership with Statistics and More e.U (SAM) and the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical…

CREDI Conducted External Evaluation of DRC’s “Support to Health Transition” Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina

CREDI recently completed an external evaluation of the Danish Refugee Council’s (DRC) project focused on enhancing healthcare access and integrating migrant health services into the national system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project, titled “Support to Health Transition,” was financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Conducted from September to October 2024, the evaluation aimed…

Presentation of the Fairwork BiH report at a panel discussion

Amela Kurta, a member of the CREDI Fairwork team for Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated on 09/22/2023 in the panel discussion “Platform workers and the union: where are we today and how to move forward?”, which was held in Sarajevo. The event was jointly organised by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina…

A new regional project is to be implemented

A consortium of organisations and experts associated with the regional WEBecon network and led by CREDI won a competitive bid to implement the project „Roadmaps on Western Balkan Labour Market Policies Database Alignment with the EU and Capacity Building for WB Partners”. This assignment’s goal is to evaluate the discrepancy between Western Balkan economies’ current…

New project: External evaluation of the PREPS project implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

CREDI was commissioned by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to conduct external evaluation of its PREPS project. Since the early 1990s, CRS has conducted operations in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia, and it played a vital role in both nations’ response to and recovery from the 2014 floods. Six municipalities in BiH and eight municipalities…

CREDI won a competitive bid to provide services for the development, monitoring and assessment of the IOM information campaign

CREDI won a competitive bid to provide services for the project Awareness Raising Campaigns on the Risks of Irregular Migration for the Western Balkans implemented by the International Organisation for Migration – IOM. CREDI will conduct a study in collaboration with IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre – GMDAC and the project team to inform…

CREDI won a competitive bid to conduct a Needs assessment for SOS CVI BiH

CREDI won another competitive bid for conducting a Needs assessment for SOS Children’s Villages International Representative Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SOS CVI BiH). The needs assessment is envisaged to be conducted for Sarajevo and Tuzla Canton. It will provide an objective analysis of the target group’s needs and present stakeholders in each specific SOS…

Call for expression of interest for: Individual consultants for upcoming USAID MEASURE II governance related tasks 

CREDI, as subcontractor at MEASURE-BiH II, on behalf of leading partner IMPAQ International, LCC publishes:   Call for expression of interest for   Individual consultants for upcoming USAID MEASURE II governance related tasks    USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity II (MEASURE II) is a five-year activity launched in September 2019. It is an extension…