Cooperation with DEU University Izmir

Our Research Director, Nermin Oruc, received TUBITAK’s Visiting Scientist Fellowship grant for visiting Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir. Dokuz Eylul University (DEU), with its 15 faculties and more than 70,000 students enrolled, is renowned for its distinguished faculty and cutting-edge research facilities and has solidified its position as one of the leading research universities in…

A new EU funded project in CREDI

CREDI is a partner in the EU funded project “JUSTMIG – SUSTAINABLE AND SOCIALLY JUST TRANSNATIONAL SECTORAL LABOUR MARKETS: INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND LABOUR MARKET ADJUSTMENT TO THE RISE IN TEMPORARY LABOUR MIGRATION” (Grant No. 101126535). The JUSTMIG project combines innovative research and data collection on labour market dynamics in both service and manufacturing sub-sectors across…


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR THE INQUIRE MIGRATION RESEARCH LABORATORY PROGRAM   CREDI, in cooperation with the regional WB-MIGNET network, announces a call for applications for researchers for the InQuire Migration Research Laboratory Program as part of the Research Incubator. The goal of this program is to support social science research with a special focus on…

Our report on the alignment of the WB LMP database with EU guidelines is published

The report Aligning Western Balkan Labour Market Policy Databases with the EU Guidelines was just published. It offers a brief regional overview of current practices in the Western Balkans, as well as a comprehensive assessment of each economy’s practices, accompanied by data and recommendations that will help to advocate for labour market and social policy…

DASS-BIH participates in the FairImpact challenge

Coordinator of the CREDI Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DASS-BiH), Amela Kurta, was selected to participate in the FairImpact challenge. DASS-BiH is selected as the only repository from the Western Balkan region participating in the project, together with 20 other repositories out of 51 applications. Each application was evaluated by three…

Presentation of the Fairwork BiH report at a panel discussion

Amela Kurta, a member of the CREDI Fairwork team for Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated on 09/22/2023 in the panel discussion “Platform workers and the union: where are we today and how to move forward?”, which was held in Sarajevo. The event was jointly organised by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina…