New Project for OSCE

The Centre for Development Evaluations and Social Research (CREDI), in co-operation with the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, conducts a survey throughout BiH on parents’ opinions and expectations from schools and educational authorities regarding quality of education and the school environment. The goal of this research is to make recommendations for educational authorities in…

NEW PROJECT: Youth engagement in management and decision-making processes

Through the CRS tender procedure, CREDI was selected to work on the project “Youth Engagement in Management and Decision-Making Processes.” Within this project, CREDI will examine the impact of the PRO-Future CRS project on the meaningful engagement of youth in management structures and the decision-making process. CREDI and its Survey Unit will collect relevant data…

A new regional project is to be implemented

A consortium of organisations and experts associated with the regional WEBecon network and led by CREDI won a competitive bid to implement the project „Roadmaps on Western Balkan Labour Market Policies Database Alignment with the EU and Capacity Building for WB Partners”. This assignment’s goal is to evaluate the discrepancy between Western Balkan economies’ current…

A new publication co-authored by our staff was just published

The CREDI coordinator of the Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DASS-BiH), Amela Kurta, co-authored the D1 Report from the Mentorship Programme 2021-2022. The CESSDA Mentorship Programme is one-to-one support where CESSDA partners and new member service providers requesting support are matched with experts active in the programme. DASS-BiH participated in mentorship…

DASS-BiH included in the ERC inventory of trustworthy repositories

CREDI Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DASS-BiH) was included in the European Research Council’s inventory of trustworthy repositories. The repository inventory represents the output of a study conducted between March and October 2022 by a group of independent experts and commissioned by the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA). The study…

InQuire is recognised as a promising practise utilising diaspora potential

InQuire Evidence2Policy Hub was recognised as a promising practise in the mapping and research conducted within the ECONDIAS project. The project was implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and financed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR). ECONDIAS is a mapping study with the overall objective…


CREDI and it’s Survey Unit, as part of consortium led by ISPPI Institute of the “St Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, are commissioned to implement the project titled “Research on the public awareness level among citizens in the Western Balkans countries concerning the relation between climate change and landscape fires”. The research will include…

CREDI become a member of the WageIndicator network

After many years of productive collaboration, CREDI has formally joined the WageIndicator network, which consists of 14 research institutes worldwide. The WageIndicator Foundation is a multinational, independent, non-profit organization that collected, analyses, and disseminates data on a wide range of topics, including actual wages, minimum wages, living wages, labour laws, gig and platform work, collective…

BiH in the Coalition for the Advancement of Research Assessment (COARA)

CREDI became a member of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) as the only organization from BiH that participates in the work of this coalition. More than 350 organizations from over 40 countries are involved in the coalition, including public and private research funders, universities, research centres, institutes and infrastructures, their associations and alliances,…