A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmap of Bosnia and Herzegovina

CREDI’s initiatives and activities on the establishment of open research infrastructure are included in A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmap of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A framework is a policy document that summarizes the existing research potential of the scientific research system of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the identification of research facilities, equipment, instrumentation and international…

Presentation of the report “Emigration of Health and Information and Communication Technology Professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Our Director of Research, Nermin Oruč, presented the report titled “Emigration of Health and Information and Communication Technology Professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges and Opportunities” at the event held on 12th April 2022 in Sarajevo. The report was prepared within the project implemented by International Organisation for Migration (IOM). Nermin is one of the…

Participation at the Final conference of the V4+WB RMA Network

Our coordinator of InQuire program Amela Kurta participated in the Final conference of the V4+WB RMA Network held in Budapest in period 30-31 March 2022. The conference was titled “Research Managers and Administration: key expertise to boost the regional excellence and innovation potential” and its organisation was financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund, Central…

CREDI will participate in the drafting process towards an agreement on reforming research assessment at the EU level

European Commission aims to develop a draft agreement on reforming research assessment which will be developed by the coalition of organisations involved in the drafting process of the agreement on reforming research assessment, including discussions on its governance and other preparatory activities. The coalition brings together research funding organisations, research performing organisations, national/regional assessment authorities…

DASS-BiH received CoreTrustSeal certification

Our Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been certified as a Trustworthy Data Repository by the CoreTrustSeal (CTS) Standards and Certification Board for the period 2022 – 2025. The CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements reflect the characteristics of trustworthy repositories. The certification is provided to all repositories that satisfy a set…

Participation in the WageIndicator cost of living data collection webinar

Our Director of Research, Nermin Oruč participated in the WageIndicator data collection webinar, held on 28th January 2022. The webinar was titled “The life behind the cost of living data collection” and it was organised by WageIndicator foundation. This webinar explored all the work of the data collection and data analysis for the world largest…

Participation at the Workshop network of FAIR-enabling trustworthy digital repositories (TDRs)

Our coordinator of Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DASS-BiH), Amela Kurta participated at the Workshop network of FAIR-enabling trustworthy digital repositories (TDRs). The workshop was organized online on 13th January 2022 by FAIRsFAIR, SSHOC and EOSC-Nordic. Each project offered support to repositories seeking certification as a trustworthy digital repository (TDR) and…

CREDI is selected in a tender to conduct research on gender equality in higher education in BiH, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro

CREDI is selected to conduct quantitative research that is part of the University and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) project. This is the first regional project of this type and it is implemented in cooperation with 18 universities from four countries; BiH, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. This project is supported by the Government of the United Kingdom,…

CREDI won a competitive bid to provide services for the development, monitoring and assessment of the IOM information campaign

CREDI won a competitive bid to provide services for the project Awareness Raising Campaigns on the Risks of Irregular Migration for the Western Balkans implemented by the International Organisation for Migration – IOM. CREDI will conduct a study in collaboration with IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre – GMDAC and the project team to inform…

The First consultative meeting of the advisory group was held within the implementation of the project “Development of a methodology for targeting social benefits beneficiaries in the Sarajevo Canton”

As part of the implementation of the project “Development of the methodology for targeting social benefits beneficiaries in the Sarajevo Canton” the first consultative meeting of the advisory group was held on 17th December 2021. The meeting was organized in a hybrid form, and the meeting was attended by representatives of institutions: Faculty of Political…